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Julian Gilbert-Davis: Neighbors​

July 15 - August 5, 2017

Locust Projects, Miami



Locust Projects is proud to present LAB MFA, a national open call to graduate-level artists for an exhibition in one of our organization’s project spaces. For this year’s LAB MFA exhibition, Locust Projects is pleased to invite Julian Gilbert-Davis, a first-year MFA student at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ.


Gilbert-Davis' project, Neighbors, draws a dialogue between polling places in Miami and New Brunswick, investigating the architectural vernaculars and common artifacts found between these sites. Approaching the work as an extended research project, Gilbert-Davis reconstructed elements from his polling place at Rutgers and Locust Projects’ nearest voting location: a local high school and neighborhood church, respectively. With consideration to the civic ritual of voting, Neighbors investigates the polling place as shrine and public commons, examining the democratic ideals and institutions it sustains.

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